USAGE generate-md [options] OPTIONS --input Path to the input directory. All markdown files in the directory and subdirectories are included. Any non-markdown files are copied from the input directory to the same relative location in the output directory. Defaults to `./input` --output Path to use for writing the output. Defaults to `./output` --layout Specifies the layout. It can be: - the name of a builtin layout - a path to a custom layout directory Defaults to `github`. --layouts Lists all the builtin layout names. --export Exports a built-in layout to a directory. Use `--output ` to specify the location to write the built-in layout. For example, `--export github --output ./custom-layout` will copy the `github` builtin layout to `./custom-layout`. --highlight- Specifies a custom highlighter module to use for a specific language. For example, `--highlight-csv mds-csv` will highlight any `csv` code blocks using the `mds-csv` module. --help, -h Show this help. --version, -v Version info.